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Nov 10, 2009

Rasterize a Transformed Vector without Pixelation

Posted by Unknown

How does one rasterize a transformed vector capturing it's new dimensions without pixelation?

Note: This follows my previous post Matrix Not Synchronized

Challenge: To render a bitmap of a transformed vector display object without pixelation. Specifically, after a mx.controls.Text is transformed, a bitmap snapshot is needed to be taken of the new object including the dimensions.  I should note that the reason I am needing to get a bitmap snapshot is do to some shaping to the text.

Problem: However, doing so results in pixelation or resamples / renders the original dimensions of the transformed Text. It appears that flash.display.BitmapData::draw cannot get the new transformed display. In other words,  when a flash.display.InteractiveObject is scaled on the x axis (or any axis) using transform.matrix, flash.display.BitmapData::draw cannot capture the new dimensions of the display object.

When the application creation complete is fired a snapshot is made. Change the matrix width (transform.matrix.a) and then re-render a snapshot / bitmap. Notice it retains the original, non-transformed values. Therefore and considering it is a rastered snapshot, when the snapshot/bitmap is scaled it becomes pixelated. Example version was that should this problem. Version is a workaround for now showing the workaround.

Workaround: I give credit to Guy Stables (needs a link) and Alex Harui (  Essentially, the workaround is as follows:

  1. The InteractiveObject (we'll call our target) needs to be placed in a container. In this example mx.controls.Text is placed inside a mx.core.UIComponent. 
  2. The matrix transform is then applied to the target (eg mx.controls.Text)
  3. The dimensions of the container (eg the UIComponent that contains the Text/target) are then set to the  target's pixelBounds dimensions.
  4.  Finally, take the snapshot bitmap of the container (the UIComponent).

For a demonstration see the latest version of the example.

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